Trending Audio

A totally optional addition to your reels and posts, trending audio are soundbites, be it songs, or quotes, or random melodies, that a lot of people on the platform are using. Utilising trending audio for your content increases the chance of your posts or reels being picked up by the viral machine, and therefore reaching more viewers. Is this important? Maybe yes, maybe no. Ultimately, it’s just another tool in the toolbox, and it’s entirely your choice whether you want to use them or not. If you have your creative heart set on a song that you know fits your content, then absolutely follow your gut, but if you don’t have a particular song in mind, trending audio is a good place to start.

Trending audio can also show you what kind of trends are happening on your platform of choice. A particular sound bite from a tv show might be doing the rounds, and you feel like you could apply it to your own content. Perusing trending audio can sometimes give you a hit of creativity, and get those content juices bubbling away.